Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Goals

Happy New Year! Every year on this day I find it hard to believe a new year has begun. Time flies by so fast, it's a blur.

December was certainly a blur for me. We spent the first week in Florida at Disney World and came home in time for all the Christmas shopping, wrapping, making goodies, singing carols, sending out cards rush. It was a whirlwind. We've spent the last few days celebrating Second Christmas because all of my kids are home.

Now it's a fresh new year with all sorts of possibilities. I make yearly goals, but I also make monthly and weekly goals. In fact, I make daily goals. I'm a list person. If I don't write something down, I'll forget and I won't get it done. I'm a little stressed right now because I forgot to get a new daytimer so until I go to town next week, I'll have to use loose paper to write my daily goals.

General goals:
Repaint/redecorate bathroom upstairs
Reorganize and repaint master bedroom
Clean carpet upstairs
Organize basement to utilize space better, including food storage
Return to exercise schedule 5 days a week. My honey bought me Zumba and lots of Wii dance games to help me.
Return to proper eating habits and lose the weight I've gained in December. I'll be doing South Beach.

Writing goals:
Complete a full first draft of YA paranormal "Glow"
Revise and submit "Glow" to publisher
Revise, format, and have available eBook on first chapters
Market "The Upside of Down" and hope to sell through first printing
Outline next novel
Make my blog better

That's a good start. How about you? Goals? Want to share? Remember, a goal not written down is merely a wish.


Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I feel the same way at the end of every year. How did we get here??

me and you plus two said...

Goals: get baby sleeping through the night-in her own room
stop cursing :)
magnify my calling (RS 2nd counc.)
stress only about the things I can change
Eat healthier-ooohh I love south beach- good luck!
learn the new testament stories so well I can share them with others

kbrebes said...

I actually love the blue water of your blog. It's so calming.
I create a daily list of goals, too, but I've slacked off on making a weekly list. So, I think I'm going to start doing that. Thanks for the reminder!
Overall, I want to practice greater faith in God, and I want to be a more pleasing person to others without forgetting who I am.

kbrebes said...

I'd like to suggest a possible way to overcome cursing (or any other habit). Every time a curse word is said, donate $5.00 to the ward fast offering fund.