Friday, January 22, 2010

Wiiiiiiiiiii a Snow Day

Wooooo hooooooo. We're snowed in. Can't get into or out of our driveway. It's 1/8 mile long and we've been stuck before and my brother-in-law had to pull us out with his tractor. Unfortunately, this tractor that he also uses to plow out our driveway is not working at the moment so we really don't want to get stuck. We're homebound until 1) someone else can plow our driveway, 2) the snow melts enough to drive on it, or 3) it's spring. Until then, it's like a free vacation day: sledding, playing in the snow, playing games, watching movies, etc.

Since we're all home, my daughter decided to set up a profile for me on a Wii game, "Your Personal Coach." It's fun but a little weird working out to a cartoon. I've been working out with Gilad on FitTv, you know, a real person. But, this Wii game is supposed to be a workout specifically made to meet your own personal goals. I'm going to do it for a few weeks and see how that goes. I'll miss Gilad and his funky pronunciation of abdomen.

I've been on Phase 2 of the South Beach diet which is super easy for me. Fruits, vegetables, lean meat, cereal, wheat pasta, cheese, etc. I can even have popcorn on this phase. I have cheated by drinking hot chocolate, but decided that snow days=hot chocolate.
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Kimberly Job said...

Sounds like fun. Keep us updated on the Wii Fit. I've been debating about trying it.

Lourie said...

Snow absolutely = hot chocolate. Sounds like you are doing great and keeping a positive attitude.

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Wow, snowed in. That sounds amazing.

Em said...

love it. anything for an excuse to stay home;-)

Valerie Ipson said...

Hot chocolate is a must. I've chugged a few mugs myself here in AZ this week--no snow, but it did rain. That calls for hot chocolate, too.