Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You Always Call Me Princess by David Ted Eyre

You Always Call Me Princess
David Ted Eyre

This tender, sweet, and true account is written by the father of a young woman with Down syndrome. He details his feelings when he first learned his daughter had Trisomy 21 and then chronicles her life until a momentous occasion during her senior year of high school when she was named the Homecoming Queen.

I was touched by his honest portrayal of his life and his genuine feelings about his daughter. I was also struck by the selfless actions of so many teenagers who voted for Shellie Eyre as Homecoming Queen. For the most part, teenagers are self-absorbed and self-centered, yet an entire student body looked beyond physical limitations and recognized the beauty within Shellie. What a testament to the valiant teenagers we have in the world, those who will see the heart of someone else, those who will give freely of their time to make someone else feel joy. I admire all of those who did so for Shellie. Some of the passages brought tears of gratitude and joy to my eyes.

In a world where 90% of all women who find that they are carrying a baby with Down syndrome choose to abort it, this account gave me hope that there are people, even teenagers, who won't judge another simply because he or she has an extra chromosome. I only hope my son will be surrounded by thoughtful and caring people and will have positive experiences similar to Shellie's.

This book was a quick read, though it could have benefited from some editing and knowledge of writing techniques. It's a touching story that's important to read not only to realize that even people with disabilities have gifts and talents, but also to restore faith in humanity.

1 comment:

Nikki~Down syndrome Storyteller said...

Thanks for this review! I wasn't aware of this book. I'm going to post a link to your review on a DS group I'm in. Just the title brought tears to my eyes. We call our daughter Princess, too!