I'm going to participate in the Summer Reading Thing sponsored by LDS Publisher.
My list of books:
1. Trail of Storms by Marsha Ward.
2. Lemon Tart by Josi Kilpack.
3. Agent in Old Lace by Tristi Pinkston.
I wish I were a faster reader, but I'm not. And, I have so much going on this summer. Girls' Camp, Scout Camp, MTC Camp, family reunion, kids to take to college, YW, my writing website Pursue Your Writing Dream, a new blog (to be announced next week--how's that for intrigue?), my two new novels I'm working on, oh, and cleaning the house, laundry, yard work, gardening, reading with the kids, sewing, swimming, and enjoying the summer :). And my house needs to be painted in a very bad way--I'm hoping I don't have to paint it myself!
My #3 daughter was at a graduation party last weekend and was playing a game. I like to call it the "I'm going to see if I can break my nose again" game. And, well, she won, because she did, in fact, break her nose. Again. Last year she broke it backstage during a performance of her play and, now, she's broken it again. Who does that? Answer: my #3 daughter. So, in addition to all the other activities, she has to have surgery to repair her nose. Super duper!
Iwill also be attending a writing conference at Cedar Fort next week in Springville, UT. See this post for details.
Hope everyone is enjoying summer vacation!