Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm Sponsoring a Contest

I'm sponsoring one of the categories for a Christmas story contest at LDS Publisher. My picture book, Grasshopper Pie, is the prize for the Reader's Choice, Unpublished Author category. I'm excited to be able to sponsor a contest and promote my picture book at the same time. LDS Publisher has been a great help to LDS writers and this promotional idea is fabulous. Published authors can sponsor a specific contest or an entire month. It's a great way to support a site that's dedicated to helping LDS writers navigate their way through the publishing world while also promoting individual books.

Promotion is uncomfortable for many LDS writers because it feels as if we're braggarts or full of ourselves when we promote our books. Yet, no one will read a book unless he/she is aware that such a book exists. And, as writers, we tend to like the creative writing process more than the promoting and marketing processes. Indeed, most of us would much rather shut ourselves away in a cozy mountain cabin next to a warm fire and pound out stories rather than promote our books.

I've been toying with several ideas to promote my upcoming YA LDS novel, Heaven Scent. I want something unique enough to stand out, but not so radical it makes people wonder if I'm sane. I need something economical enough that I can reasonably produce it, but not so cheesy no one even notices it. The wheels keep turning in my head. For now, I'm thrilled with the opportunity to sponsor a contest at LDS Publisher.

I hope that any of you who have a Christmas story under 1500 words will consider entering it into this contest. Those who win will receive books as prizes and will also receive feedback from readers and LDS Publisher. It's a lot of fun and can get those creative juices flowing. Hope to see you over at LDS Publisher.


G. Parker said...

I'm hoping to enter, just got to get Nano out of the way. Like your new photo!

Shellie said...

Sounds like a cool idea, I will have to think about it...

Anonymous said...

hi rebecca,
you sound so neat to do this.

is there a suspense date for the 1500 word Christmas writing entry?

happy thanksgiving today, kathleen :)

Marcia Mickelson said...

Isn't LDS Publisher great? Promoting is very hard for me as well. I'm trying to think of a contest or something to promote my book too. I totally agree about shutting myself off in a cozy moutain cabin.

Annette Lyon said...

Promotion is definitely NOT on the short list of good things about being published. A necessary evil--but way to push on. Fun contest idea!