Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined by Rachael Anderson

Rough Around the Edges

Rough Around the Edges Meets Refined (Meet Your Match #2) by Rachael Anderson

For Noah Mackie, life is finally back on track. He has a great support system, a promised promotion is on its way, and he's finally getting the hang of this single father thing. But when the job falls through and his neighbor's matchmaking efforts become more aggressive,

Noah is in for yet another unwanted detour. With his career and two spirited daughters to worry about, he doesn't have time for dating—especially not someone like Cassie Ellis, his girls' beautiful and sophisticated dance instructor, who is about as open and approachable as a brick wall.

Rough around the Edges Meets Refined is about two people who think they know exactly what they want but who have no idea what they really need. It's about learning that people aren't always what they seem and that sometimes life’s detours take you exactly where you need to go.  

My Review:

5 Stars

This is such a fun, romantic, sweet story. I loved, loved, loved the characters! The two little girls are adorable. I loved that characters from the first book in the series made an appearance, because I really liked Emma and Kevin and I love what happens to them in this book.

I think both Cassie and Noah are rough around the edges, but for different reasons. Cassie finds it hard to trust. She's lost herself while in a bad marriage and now that she's free to be whomever she wants, she isn't even sure who that is. I loved experiencing her soul-searching and finding out who she really is.

Noah has his own baggage. He is a fantastic father and the scenes between him and his daughters are very tender as they all try to heal from their loss.

The romance built up naturally and had plenty of intensity. Rachael Anderson is masterful at writing romance!  It kept me reading long into the night.

If you are looking for a sweet, clean, fun romance that leaves you smiling, this is a book you don't want to miss. I highly recommend it.

Purchase Your Copy from


Through the curtains hanging across Noah’s front window, Cassie could see the glow of what appeared to be little white lights framing the window. She hesitated on the front porch, pulling her jacket tighter around the long, flowing top she’d chosen to wear with her favorite charcoal leggings, thinking that she should have worn sweats instead.

What would happen if she knocked on the door and allowed herself to dance with Noah? What if he tried to kiss her? Would she be strong enough to say not yet? Two months ago, she only knew this man as the father of two little girls in one of her dance classes. Now she was about to spend the evening dancing with him.

A breeze whipped at her cheeks, and Cassie glanced at her car parked in the driveway. She should leave right now and send him a text that she’d changed her mind. He might be disappointed, but he’d understand.

Or—her gaze returned to the glowing window—she could knock and dance with Noah like they’d danced before.

No big deal.

Her mom used to tell her: “Don’t run toward a relationship, but don’t run away from it either. If it’s right, it’ll just happen.”

It had sounded so easy, so smart. And Cassie had thought she was doing just that when she’d dated Landon. But looking back, she’d not only run toward marriage, she’d full on sprinted. She’d let the fog of twitterpation, fairy tales and romance cloud her judgment. Cassie hadn’t really known Landon and he hadn’t known her. It was like they’d fallen in love on a reality dating show, where nothing had been real. She’d been romanced, schmoozed, and swept off her feet. But she’d never been loved.
Looking back, it was all so clear to her now.

A shadow crossed in front of the window—a tall shadow with strong shoulders, a confident gait, and a good heart. Yes, it had only been two months since Cassie had met Noah. But in that short amount of time, he knew her better than Landon ever had—faults, quirks, Irish dancing, and all.

Maybe taking a small step forward wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Cassie lifted her hand and rapped on the door. A moment later, it opened, and the dark shadow became Noah. His face was freshly shaved, his hair was slightly damp, and he wore a fitted, button-down shirt that was as blue as his eyes. Her breath caught.

“Wow,” said Noah. “You look beautiful.”

“And you look . . . great.” Too great. Her physical reaction to him was so strong that she wanted to sprint forward and forget all about taking her time.

Not good.

Noah opened the door wider. “Would you like to come in?”

Behind him, the soft glow of the lights created a sort of aura around him, and three beefy candles flickered on his bar. With the furniture pushed to the side, the room oozed romance. He probably smelled amazing too—just one more thing to sink her deeper into that quicksand.

Noah held out his hand. “Don’t be nervous, Cass. It’s just me.”

That was the problem. Noah wasn’t just anyone. He had the power to undo her. “Promise we won’t move too fast.” Her eyes pled with his.

“I promise,” he answered, wiggling his fingers. “I loaded a lot of slow songs, so we’ll be moving very slowly.”

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  Rough Around the Edges

Rachael  Author Rachael Anderson USA Today bestselling author, Rachael Anderson is the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can't sing, doesn't dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.

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Monday, November 17, 2014

HUGE Sale on eBooks!

Go to Bookmarked Bargains and see all the amazing ebooks. Most are priced at $.99, including my ebooks, Imperfect Love and Best Kind of Love. Lots of genres, lots of authors, lots of great deals. If you love ebooks, you won't want to miss this blowout sale!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Best Kind of Love: A Reunion Romance Novella First Chapter


Brynn Sawyer’s nerves twitched as the small airplane neared Seaspray. She clenched her fists and pushed out a loud breath. Why did I decide to do this?

“Are you okay, dear?” the lady with white hair in the seat next to her asked. Her voice sounded as if she needed to clear her throat.

With warmed cheeks, Brynn nodded. It was silly that she was so apprehensive about this trip back to her hometown.

“Have you been to Seaspray before?”

“Yes.” Brynn didn’t say more. She wanted to be left alone, so she could gather her thoughts and rein in her feelings before the plane landed.

“Do you live here?”


“Here on vacation?”

Brynn mentally rolled her eyes. This woman seemed sweet and it was kind of her to try to have a conversation, but Brynn wasn’t prepared for the weekend and talking wouldn’t help. “No.” Guilt began to gnaw at her, so she said, “I grew up in Seaspray.” Brynn laid her head back. Maybe now she’ll stop asking me questions.

The woman coughed a few times and smoothed her short hair. “Oh, where do you live now?”
I guess she’s going to keep talking to me. I shouldn’t be rude. “I live in Houston. I moved there right after college.”

“Are you coming to see your parents?”

I wish.  “No. They don’t live here anymore.”

“Business trip?”

Brynn adjusted her weight in her seat. “A reunion, actually.” She swallowed. “High school.”

“Ah.” The woman studied Brynn. “Not looking forward to it?”

Is that written on my face? 

“I’ve become good at reading people in my old age.” She smiled, exposing crooked front teeth.

Brynn drew in a deep breath. “High school wasn’t that awesome, but my best friend—that I haven’t seen in years—talked me into coming. Now …”

“You wish you were headed back to Houston?”

“Yes.” A surge of relief swelled inside Brynn. Maybe talking to this lady would help her put her anxiety in its place.

After a few minutes, the lady said, “I went to my fiftieth reunion some years ago. A bunch of senior citizens showed up. I don’t know what they did with my classmates, but that room was full of old people, not the kids I knew in high school.” She laughed then coughed a few times. “I guess we all change.”

Brynn nodded, reminding herself that she wasn’t the same nerdy girl who tripped all over her words anymore. Right?

“My Frank was such a handsome man. All the girls liked him.” The woman rested her head back against the seat. “He was our senior class president and played football. He had the highest grades in the school. I didn’t think he’d ever want to take me on a date. I was shy and liked to spend my time at the library. Frank was popular and outgoing. I admired him from afar because I felt like I didn’t quite measure up.” She patted Brynn’s hand. “Probably makes no sense to a beautiful young woman like you.”

“Actually, it makes a lot of sense.” Brynn found herself fascinated by the woman’s story. “What happened with Frank?”

“After high school, he started working on our farm doing odd jobs. He built fences and milked the cows. He and Daddy became good friends. I’d see him every day and dream about him every night.

Then he went off to college.”


“He came home from school one weekend.” A smile slowly spread across her face as if the memories were playing out right in front of her. “Came right over to our house and stood on the porch. He had a hat in his hands and he liked to have ruined it while he stood there twisting it over and over again.”

“What did he say?” Brynn was a sucker for a great romance.

“He looked at me with his deep blue eyes—the color of the sky right before the sun sets—and  said,
‘Myrna, I want to marry you.’”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.” Her eyes filled with tears. “He said he’d loved me since the day we’d sat by each other in English class. He just didn’t have the courage to ask me on a date because he said I intimidated him. He thought I was too beautiful.” She laughed. “Imagine that. He thought I was too beautiful.”

“Where is he now?”

“Oh, he passed last year.” Her expression saddened. “I miss him something fierce.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. He was the love of my life. We were blessed with a long and happy marriage and three lovely daughters. My oldest, Barbara, moved to Seaspray a few years ago. I visit her and her sisters regularly. Helps to pass the time.”

Brynn imagined this woman’s full life filled with warm memories of the man she loved. She hoped to have that someday.

“What about you? Have you met your true love?”

“Me?” Brynn waved her hand. “I don’t know.”

“Maybe someone you’ll see this weekend?”

“Maybe.” She took a quick breath. “I don’t want to get my hopes up, but … I’d sure like to see a guy named Troy again. It’s been ten years since we graduated. I don’t even know where’s he’s been or if he’s married or if he’d even remember me.”

“Tell me about him.”

Brynn couldn’t stop her mouth from curling. “He played basketball. I used to go to the games just to watch him.”

“Did you ever talk to him?’

“No. Well, not really. Not in high school. He had his group of friends, and I had mine. I was in theater. Our worlds didn’t cross much. But that didn’t stop me from wishing.”

The woman gave her a look that prompted her to go on.

“I so wanted to go to prom with him. I even imagined it all in my head.”

“Did you go with him?”

“No.” Brynn shook her head. “He went with his girlfriend. A cheerleader, of course. Part of his group.”

The lady patted Brynn’s hand, conveying her empathy. After a few moments, she asked, “Did you go to your prom?”

“Yeah. With my best friend, Craig.”


“It was awesome. Craig and I always had so much fun together. He made me laugh all the time. It wasn’t romantic or anything, but a lot of fun. ”

“Will he be at the reunion?”

Brynn shrugged. “I don’t know. We lost touch after graduation.”

The pilot spoke over the intercom and told them to prepare for landing. After some bumps, the plane slowed.

The woman laid her frail, warm hand over Brynn’s. “I hope you have a wonderful time at the reunion and I hope you get to see your Troy.”

My Troy? Brynn giggled to herself. I wish. “Thank you. Enjoy visiting your daughter.”

“If there’s anything I’ve learned at my age, it’s to seize the moment. Don’t let yours pass you by.”

Brynn exited the plane and stood at the baggage carousel thinking about her conversation on the plane. Would she have a “moment” at the reunion? Was that too much to hope for?  She spotted her navy blue suitcase and grabbed it, noticing that the airport had some improvements since the last time she’d visited Seaspray six years ago.

Brynn found the white four-door Chevy Impala she’d reserved out in the parking lot and plunged the key into the ignition. The engine roared and she was off. Rolling down the windows, she let the aromatic ocean air filter through her hair. She’d missed the unmistakable scent of Seaspray.

The sun hung low in the sky as she drove near the beach on the route back to the 101 freeway. She’d spent so much time at Henderson Beach. Memories poured in, like the time Craig had tried to teach her to surf. A smile broke out.  He’d been so patient during the thirty-seven times she’d fallen off his surfboard. She never did get the hang of it, but they’d ended the day watching the sun as it dipped below the horizon and talking about life—something they did frequently. She hoped he’d be at the reunion so they could catch up.

She couldn’t wait to see Kari and have some much-needed girl time with her best friend. Even if she was anxious about the reunion, this weekend would be a nice break. Brynn loved her job as project manager, but she needed some down time. Work kept her so busy she hardly had a social life. Who was she kidding? She had zero social life.

Thanks for reading!

You can purchase Best Kind of Love at Amazon.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Glorious by David Archuleta Cover by Madolyn T

If you have a chance, please watch my daughter sing this song on YouTube. If she gets enough views, her video might be featured on the Meet the Mormons page and she might have a chance to sing with David Archuleta.

She has always loved to sing and I think she sings this song beautifully!

Thank you!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Cover Reveal: Best Kind of Love

I'm so excited! I love the new cover for my novella, Best Kind of Love. This will be the first in my novella series, A Reunion Romance. It will be available November 7th. Isn't the cover beautiful?!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Awesome Giveaway!

28 authors have come together to give you a
 reading list of FUN FALL FAVORITES! 

Look at some of these incredible books by talented authors, including me :).

And with Christmas right around the corner, who wouldn't want a chance to win some moola?


Click on the image to read a summary of each book :)


$300 Amazon Gift Card 
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GIVEAWAY ends 11/17/14
No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older and legally able to receive and use an Gift Code. This giveaway is not associated with Rafflecopter, Facebook, Twitter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. Void where prohibited by law.

This giveaway was organized by I Love to Read and Review Books :)
and is sponsored by the following authors ~

(While we can no longer ask you to "LIKE" Facebook pages as an entry~ Facebook links are below ~ as "LIKES" would be very much appreciated :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

My Son is Not a Joke

I took my son to school today and walked him to the gym, as I do every day because that's where his class meets. After I dropped him off, I stood to watch him find his class and another, older, class walked past me with their teacher. I listened to the kids.

"Hey, look at me, I'm a retard," said a boy as he mimicked what he presumed to be the way a "retard" would act.

I don't think it was aimed at my son, or anyone in particular. I think the boy was just "joking" and having "fun," but I heard it.

I thought about how it made me feel and wondered what it would be like if that child's mother had been standing where I was. What if my son had walked past her and said, "Hey, look at me I'm a (insert racial slur)" and then proceeded with what he presumed would be the actions associated with that particular slur?

I'm betting she wouldn't like it. I'm even betting she would've insisted my son not use such language to refer to hers. In fact, I think she night have been outraged.

While we seem to be making progress in some areas of respect, I think have progressed little when it comes to respecting people with disabilities. It seems to be okay to make fun of those with disabilities. It seems acceptable to use the word "retard" when denigrating someone else. It's okay to act "retarded" and laugh about it. It's a big joke. Only my son isn't a joke.

He didn't ask for an extra chromosome. I did nothing to make him have that extra chromosome. He was born with it and he will live with it all of his life.

He is progressing, learning, and trying to do his best despite that extra chromosome. His extra chromosome does not define him and he deserves to be treated with respect, not be made the butt of jokes. We work every day to teach people this and, some days, I think that message is getting out. I see kids smile at my son, put their arms around him, and include him. Then I have an experience like today and wonder.

Yet I am hopeful that the world will be a better place for my son. I keep hoping that people will see him as a human being, not as a chromosome count. I keep working to send out a message loud and clear.

I may only have one voice, but I do have a voice, and I am going to use it.

My son is not a joke.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Boxed Set with Imperfect Love

I'm so excited! My book is included in this boxed set with She's Just Right by Diane Darcy and The Lost Art by Jennifer Griffith. These are all best-selling romance novels. Together. In one place. For only $2.99. What a bargain, right?

If you love to read romances you can purchase Crazy Sweet here.

If you've read any of these books and would like to leave a review on Amazon that would be super awesome!! The more reviews we get, the better chance we have of finding new readers through additional promotions. Please, help us spread the word. 

Thank you!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Attacked for A Differing Opinion

I was viewing a friend's FB page and clicked on a page she liked, Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, because I now live in Texas and I was curious to see what was posted there since we have an election coming up next month. This group claims to represent Texas women. 

I made a comment about which candidate I support and mentioned that I am a mother of ten. A woman responded with this comment, "Rebecca Cornish Talley: you must be very wealthy and are able to support 10 children. Have you ever given thought to population control, conserving our resources? Not breeding like rats? Of coarse not!" 

Obviously, the poster does not understand the difference between "coarse' and "course," but that is beside the point.

When I went back to read the comment on the page, I found that I'd been blocked from commenting. Why? Because I expressed a different opinion. My opinion is not valuable because it is different.

Planned Parenthood, and WomenWinTexas, a public political group, claims to represent women. They claim to have the best interest of women at heart. they want women to be active in politics and to go out and vote. Yet when a woman has a different opinion, she is personally attacked and then blocked from participating in a discussion about candidates. PP and WomenWinTexas is not interested in hearing from women whose views differ from their agenda, and they are willing to attack women who disagree with them. What happened to discussing opposing views?

For the record, I am thankful every day that I have ten children. My children are not a pack of rats. They are good, decent human beings who strive to be kind and serve those around them. They are not perfect, and I am not a perfect parent, but I love my job as a wife and mom. My only regret is that I could not have ten more children. I am thankful that my children have loved growing up in a big family and want to have many children themselves. People may not agree with my lifestyle or my choice to have a large family. That is fine. 

Why is is that groups like PP are so intent on protecting a woman's "right to choose" but not my right to choose to have a large family? Why is it that PP does not want anyone to control a woman's body when it comes to abortion, but have no problem wanting to control my body and stop me from having as many children as I can care for? Why is it that if a woman dares express a differing opinion it is okay to personally attack her? I have found that usually happens when the attacker has no substance to his/her argument and must stoop to name-calling.

And another thing. I am very wealthy. I am wealthy in all the things that matter.

To Planned Parenthood Texas Votes and to #WomenWinTexas, you may have personally attacked me on a public page and successfully blocked me from that page so that I cannot make comments, but you will not silence me. I still have a voice. I still have the right to my opinion. I still have the right to vote for the candidate I choose. 

I may not agree with anything you represent, nor the disrespectful and hateful things you say about the candidates you don't support, but I will fight for your right to say what you want, because that is what freedom of speech means. I am not afraid to hear what you have to say. If only that worked both ways.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Thoughts on Suicide

Yesterday, the counselor at the middle school in CO where most of my children attended (until we moved to Texas) passed away tragically from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. This has devastated the community that we called home for so many years. This counselor was well-loved and had positively impacted many, many lives in the 15 years that he worked in the school district. He had helped so many students during their own dark times to find the light again. He will be greatly missed. He leaves behind a wife and two children.

Losing anyone we love to death is heart-breaking and hard to deal with, but losing someone to suicide adds another layer. Not only do we mourn the loss of the one we loved, but we may be left with feelings of regret, guilt, and anger.

I read many posts when Robin Williams died. One post in particular called him selfish to take his own life. I think one of the mistakes we make, as we try to make sense out of a senseless situation, is projecting our own life experiences onto someone else. We wonder how anyone could leave his or her spouse, children, parents, etc. We try to assign our own feelings to someone else. We simply cannot do that. Of course, anyone in his right mind would never, ever subject his loved ones to the pain and agony that comes with losing a loved one. No one would ever want to thrust feelings of guilt and remorse on the people he loved most.

But that's the thing. Someone who is in the frame of mind to take his own life, isn't in the same frame of mind as someone who isn't. He is not thinking rationally. He is not thinking about the long-term effects. He is not thinking about what his death will mean for those around him. Or perhaps he thinks life without him will be better for his loved ones. At any rate, we who are not suffering in this way cannot assign our own frame of reference to someone who is. We do not know what someone else is going through, We do not know the pain or the suffering or the agony that person may be enduring, even if that person appears to be fine.

Robin Williams seemed to have it all. Fame, fortune, an adoring fan base. The counselor at school lived his life to help others navigate treacherous waters of sadness and depression. He was married, had children, had a steady job, and lived in a beautiful subdivision. He was not on the radar as someone who was in desperate need of help, at least not to the general public.

We all have "stuff." We all have trials we've lived through. Some of those trials have been more public than others. Some of us share our trials and some of us don't. Some of us know when to seek help. Others don't. Some of us hide pain on a daily basis.

We cannot stand in judgment of those who end their lives, because we are not them. We do not know what is in their minds or in their hearts. Only a loving Heavenly Father can do that. We cannot condemn them to an everlasting hell because that is not our job or our role. We cannot judge others, because we do not know their hearts, their desires, their intents. We only know our own.

Suicide is still a taboo subject. We don't talk about it. Those who've been affected by it may feel a stigma and feel that the death of their loved one is different than a death from a car accident or an illness. They may feel shame and embarrassment because our society earmarks suicide as something "different" and it makes people uncomfortable to speak about it. And the cycle continues. We see suicide as something different, so those affected feel different. However the death occurred, it is still a death. People have lost a loved one. They are in pain. They are suffering. It doesn't matter how that loved one died. We need to offer support, love, and sympathy to those affected.

Suicide can also incite deep guilt because the death could have been prevented. We feel helpless and wonder what we could have done. But we cannot play the blame game. "Why didn't I see it?" "Why didn't I go talk to her?" "Why didn't I call the doctor?" "What if I'd gone to see him that day?" "What if I'd put that gun away?" "What if I'd been a better husband, wife, brother, sister, mother, father, friend?" Most of the time, those who have determined to commit suicide have thought about it and kept it a secret from those closest to them. It does no good to immerse ourselves in guilt.

What can we do? What can we learn? Maybe to be a little kinder. To be a little softer. To remember that we have no idea what someone is going through. We see what others want us to see, because people hide the dark parts of themselves. People hide the pain. The suffering.

We need to love one another. We need to be gentler. We need to treat others the way we want to be treated. We need to help those we meet along our path. We need to leave the world better than we found it. We need to reach out and comfort each other. Be patient with each other. Remember that we are all struggling along this path of life. Just because we don't have the same struggles, or just because we haven't made those struggles public, does not mean we don't have them.

Suicide affects all of us in a profound way. Some of us are affected more intimately than others. True healing comes from God. From trusting in His love and allowing Him to comfort us in these times. We may not be able to understand why someone would commit suicide, but we can do a better job of talking about it and allowing those who've been the most affected to feel our love and compassion. We can do a better job of not casting aspersions on those who commit suicide and alienating their loved ones. We can do a better job of loving each other.

Monday, September 15, 2014

My Grandmother's "Visions"

I was talking to my paternal grandmother last night. She is 99 years old. 99. Wow. I think her longevity is due to her heritage--she is one-half Italian.

About fifteen years ago, she began suffering from macular degeneration. She was very upset because she'd always been such an avid reader. Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done to reverse this condition. She's been able to keep it at bay, but she's had to adjust her life. She now listens to the radio and depends on phone calls to keep her updated. When I visit her, she can see me, but only if the light is just right and she's close enough to me.

Some weeks back, after she went to bed, she thought she saw people in her room. Naturally, it scared her, but she couldn't prove anyone had been in her room. Her next thought was that she was going crazy, so she didn't want to tell anyone about it. After several experiences, she finally told someone.

Turns out, no one was visiting her room after hours and she isn't crazy. There's actually a condition called the Charles Bonnet Syndrome in which people who are visually impaired experience complex visual hallucinations. It's a real thing.

Isn't that fascinating? You can learn more here about the Charles Bonnet Syndrome, if you are interested. It usually occurs in the elderly and they are reluctant to talk about it because they think it means they are going insane.

People who lose a limb often experience phantom pain and sensations where the limb once was and perhaps this is what happens to those who've lost their vision.

The good news is my grandmother was checked out by a neurosurgeon and she's fine. She's not crazy. But discovering this syndrome has certainly given me some food for thought for a future novel.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Stung by Amazon: An Open Letter to Jeff Bezos

Mr. Bezos,

I have always been an Amazon cheerleader. I have been a customer for more than 15 years. I have ordered thousands of dollars worth of products over the years and have been happy with the customer service.

Until now.

As a traditionally published author who decided to go the indie route, my natural choice was to publish with Amazon since I had previously had such good experiences. I published Imperfect Love on March 1. 2014. My book has hit the bestsellers lists on different occasions and was in the Top 10 in a few categories.

Imagine my surprise when I checked on my book on September 5, 2014 and found it was suddenly not available. I sent an email query to ask why. I received an answer that it was a glitch and would be fixed soon. On September 6th it was still not available. I sent another email and received the same generic response. On September 7th it was still not available. The morning of September 8th I called Amazon to try to sort it out since sending emails didn't seem to elicit much help. I was told that there is no direct line to KDP and no phone support. The customer service rep offered to send an email with my concerns.

Thanks, but I'd already done that.

Finally, later on September 8th my book was for sale again. I contacted Amazon to ask for some compensation for lost sales by way of advertising my book somehow in hopes of getting some sales to regain its sales rank. I was told that Amazon will not do anything to make up for the time my book was not available.Period.

Amazon was responsible for the glitch, but I'm the one that got stung.

I realize I'm merely a nobody author. I realize my sales aren't earth-shattering. I realize that my sales certainly won't make or break Amazon, but I lost sales. My book lost its ranking. What if I had invested in a promotion, which I've done numerous times, and found my book wasn't for sale? Would I just be out all that money? How can I trust Amazon to have my book for sale in the future and that it won't be a victim of some glitch in your software?

I am so disappointed that Amazon won't make this right. I am disappointed that I don't matter. I am disappointed that I'd be treated like this after all the money I have spent at Amazon.

I thought Amazon was better than this.

A Very Disappointed Customer

Friday, July 4, 2014

Summer Book Trek

My newest novel, Imperfect Love, is on sale July 1st through midnight July 7th for only $.99. What a deal, right? I'm sponsoring the Summer Book Trek over at New LDS Fiction and if you read Imperfect Love you get a bunch of extra points.

There are lots and lots of great books to read and participating in the Summer Book Trek is a great way to find new books as well as enter to win some fantastic prizes.

You can also like Summer Book Trek on Facebook to get updated information.

Come on over. Find great books. Pass the word about the Summer Book Trek and, if you don't mind, about my book being on sale. That'd be awesome!!


Here is the link to purchase. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising!

Friday, May 23, 2014

On SALE: Imperfect Love

My newest novel, Imperfect Love is on SALE today, tomorrow, and Saturday for $.99. That's right. Only $.99. Can you beat a deal like that?

If you've been thinking about purchasing it, this would be an excellent time because it's on sale. I'd love to get this book on the Top 100 list at Amazon and will love you forever if you help me by purchasing it today. Please pass the information on to any readers you think might enjoy it. Thanks!!! You can purchase
Imperfect Love at Amazon.
You can also click on the image to purchase.

Here is the back cover copy:

Lauren Wilson is well on her way to her happily-ever-after. She’s passionate about her career as a middle school English teacher, she adores her handsome, hard-working husband, and with a baby finally on the way, her perfect life is within her grasp.

But then a devastating test result changes everything.

Forced to choose between her baby and her husband, Lauren makes the only decision she can live with, and she returns to her small hometown in hopes of rebuilding her shattered life.

Ethan Campbell is a gifted photographer who travels the world and has no desire to settle down. When his mother dies, he must go home to settle her estate. Then it’s back to exciting adventures across the globe. 

When Lauren crosses paths with Ethan, her teenage crush, old feelings resurface—feelings she’s not prepared to face. Will Lauren have the courage to trust again or will she spend her life alone?

Imperfect Love is a story about sacrifice, healing, second chances, and discovering that although love isn’t always perfect, sometimes it’s the imperfect love that’s the sweetest of all.

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