Wednesday, March 21, 2012

World Down Syndrome Day

Today is World Down Syndrome Day. March 21st. 3/21. Trisomy (3) of the 21st chromosome.

Some things I've learned about Down syndrome:

1. It isn't scary
2. It makes me look at things differently
3. Those with DS still have unique personalities and aren't blobs
4. People with DS have talents
5. People with DS can learn, understand, and remember
6. There's still many misconceptions about DS
7. Those of us who love people with DS just want others to accept them for who they are.
8. People with DS don't want to be cured, they want to be loved and respected
9. People with DS aren't happy all the time, they experience a range of emotions
10. Though there are challenges, it's challenging to raise any child

In a perfect world, we'd recognize that those with DS are not the ones that are handicapped. They are not the ones who have the disability. Those of us without DS are truly the ones with the handicap and disability because too often we let things that don't matter get in the way of what's important. We decide we don't like someone because he/she was unkind to us. We hold grudges. We are judgmental. We have conditional love. We can't see past imperfections. We let pride color our decisions. We are selfish and self-centered. We don't want to be around someone who is different. We are too uptight to enjoy life. We don't laugh enough. We don't hug enough. We don't love enough.

Today, let's celebrate those who have that extra chromosome and realize it isn't a bad thing. People with DS can and do offer wonderful things to our society. We need to be willing to see the person inside instead of being distracted by what's on the outside. I have never met anyone who, after taking the time to know someone with DS, regretted knowing that person. I have never met a parent who wished he/she didn't have his/her child with DS.

Here are a few photos of my son who has his own distinct personality. He is full of love and life. He makes us laugh and brings a joy to our home that's indescribable. I am thankful every day that the Lord chose me to be his mom and only hope I can be the kind of mom he deserves.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Today is My Birthday

Yes, today is my birthday. I've had quite a few. Almost 20 more than my mother. 24 more than my father.

Age is a funny thing. In our society women tend to hate growing older. Some even go to great measures to hide their age. When I was a little girl my paternal grandmother would never tell us her age. She refused to give us her birth year. I finally found out and she will be 97 years old this year.

Do I love my graying hair? Not especially. Do I love my wrinkles? Not so much. But they both represent my life. A life that has been filled with so many amazing and profound experiences. A life I wouldn't trade for a younger looking face or streak-free hair.

As I look at my life thus far, I can't help but feel so very blessed. I have a wonderful husband that I love even more now than when I married him. He has seen me at my worst and he still loves me. He picks me up when I am down. He makes me laugh. He is my rock of support and always has an uplifting word for me. He loves our children and has never refused to change diapers, comfort a sick child, do homework and projects even at the last minute. I truly don't deserve him!

I have amazing children, including my wonderful daughter-in-law that I'll claim as my own any day--good, kind, compassionate children who seek to do the right thing. We have so much fun together. My kids have taught me so much over the years--they are far better than I was at their age. They bring me a joy I never knew existed until I had children. I love to watch them develop their talents and I love to see them do the right thing when they have a hard decision. I love each of them with all that I am.

I have a fantastic extended family that loves and supports me. They are the first to help whenever I need it. They are the first to buy my books. They have taught me so much about compassion. I feel so blessed to live near my sister and her family and to watch her kids grow up. I get teary when I hear her kids bear their testimonies and realize what good, good kids they are. I am also blessed to live near my husband's family. I couldn't ask for better in-laws.

I am fortunate to be able to live in a home that's warm in the winter and cool in the summer. A place that's a refuge from the world and provides safety and security when things get crazy. A place where love abounds and no matter what else happens, I know I am loved there.

I have been very blessed to have some books published. I love to write and feel so fortunate that some of my stories have found their way out into the world. Not everyone loves my books, but the notes from readers who have loved them are very precious and priceless to me.

Yes, it's my birthday and I'm sure I have a few new gray hairs and even a few more wrinkles. But I love my life and those hairs and wrinkles are a testament to my life--a life I love.

Thank you to all of you who have wished me a happy birthday. All of you make my life wonderful and add to it. Thank you!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Write Here in Ephraim Free Writing Conference

You’re invited to: WRITE HERE IN EPHRAIM – 2012

Saturday, April 14 at Snow College in Ephraim, Utah
Free admission - door prizes - published author instruction!

Greenwood Student Center
250 E College Ave. (100 N) Ephraim, Utah
Class descriptions listed after following schedule:

(PLEASE NOTE: some classes are offered twice!)

7:45-8:30 a.m. Registration
8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Welcome and door prizes
8:50 a.m. – 9:35 a.m.

Philadelphia Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Karen Hoover, Idea Factory- Pt. 1 of 2

Blue Bell Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Abel Keogh, Memoirs

Classroom 204: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Andrea Pearson, Working on manuscript from start to finish

Classroom 205: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Rebecca Talley, Show Don’t Tell

Classroom 206: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Gregg Luke, Suspense

Classroom 207: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Kathi O. Peterson, How to Grid Your Story

Classroom 216: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Clint Cox, How a Plumber Wrote a Book

Classroom 217: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Jenni James, Romance

Classroom 218: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Ali Cross, How to Write Ninja Style

9:45 a.m. – 10:35 a.m.
Philadelphia Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Karen Hoover, Idea Factory – Pt. 2 of 2

Blue Bell Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Michael Young, Avoid Cliché Like the Plague

Classroom 204: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Andrea Pearson, Working on manuscript from start to finish

Classroom 205: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Rebecca Talley, Show, Don’t Tell

Classroom 206: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Heather Justesen, Plotting

Classroom 207: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Ronda Gibb Hinrichson, How to Avoid a Series of Unfortunate Pitfalls

Classroom 216: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Clint Cox, Marketing and Publicity

Classroom 217: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Rachelle Christensen, Suspense

Classroom 218: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Ali Cross, How to Find and Develop Your Own Brand

10:45 a.m. – 11:35 a.m.
Philadelphia Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Karen Hoover, pre-writing

Blue Bell Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Joan Sowards, Dressing up your Prose - Figuratively Speaking

Classroom 204: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Connie Hall, Time Flies

Classroom 205: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Rebecca Talley, Story in a Sentence

Classroom 206: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Jewel Adams, Short Stories

Classroom 207: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Cindy Hogan, Self publishing

Classroom 216: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Kathryn Jones, Writing Your Book Workshop

Classroom 217: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Jenni James, Comedy

Classroom 218: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Angie Lofthouse, Science Fiction/Fantasy

11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.:
Main floor, Greenwood Student Center:
AUTHOR Q&A PANEL: Gregg Luke, Kathi Oram Peterson, Michael Young, Cory Poulson, Joan Sowards, Karen Hoover, Ali Cross, Clint Cox, Angie Lofthouse, Elizabeth Mueller

12:30-1:30 p.m. LUNCH and MASS BOOK SIGNING (bookstore will be set up in commons which is adjacent to college cafeteria.)

1:30 p.m. -1:45 p.m. door prizes

1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Main floor, Greenwood Student Center:
“First Page Shred” panel: Julie Wright, Ronda Hinrichsen, Christine Mehring, Pendragon Inman, Gregg Luke, Andrea Pearson, Kathryn Jones

3:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
Philadelphia Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Christine Mehring, Hero Journey

Blue Bell Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Abel Keogh, Marketing and Publicity

Classroom 204: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Andrea Pearson, Self Publishing

Classroom 205: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Julie Wright, Nuts and Bolts

Classroom 206: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Gregg Luke, Suspense

Classroom 207: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Pendragon Inman, Story Structure

Classroom 216: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Kathryn Jones, Conquering your Writing Goliaths, pt. 1 of 2

Classroom 217: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Rachelle Christensen, Revising

Classroom 218: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Angie Lofthouse, Finding Time to Write

4:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.
Philadelphia Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Christine Mehring, Hero Journey

Blue Bell Room: Greenwood Student Center:
Abel Keogh, Memoirs

Classroom 204: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Andrea Pearson, Formatting e-books

Classroom 205: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Julie Wright, Nuts and Bolts

Classroom 206: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Kathi Oram Peterson, How to Grid your Story

Classroom 207: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Pendragon Inman, Story Structure

Classroom 216: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Kathryn Jones, Conquering your Writing Goliaths, pt. 2 of 2

Classroom 217: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Jenni James, Romance

Classroom 218: Lucy Phillips Blg- 2nd floor:
Angie Lofthouse, Science Fiction/Fantasy

5:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. door prizes

5:15 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. LITERACY GAME SHOW

6:00 p.m. pack up and go home smiling!


Keep your writing original

CONQUERING YOUR WRITING GIANTS - (2 pt. class) Kathryn Jones
A spiritual Journey Workshop - Do you love to write, but are you afraid to put your manuscripts out there? What can you do to overcome your fears or feelings of inadequacy? What can you do to garner the courage to submit your first piece of writing? What can you do to get published? This spiritual journey workshop will get you to the heart of the matter; your matter. What makes you tick and what it’s going to take for you to master all of your writing fears. Check one possible fear off your list by attending this thought-provoking two-part class.

Come learn from an eBook-formatting pro! We'll discuss the nuts and bolts of formatting your eBook for the different eReaders, along with talking about which retailers you'll want to upload to directly. Q&A at the end.

Using all the parts to create something that breathes.

Learn how to overcome several pitfalls every writer faces on their path to publication.

SHOW, DON'T TELL - Rebecca Talley
Don't tell readers your story, show them. Learn techniques that will invite readers to experience your story instead of just reading it.

STORY IN A SENTENCE - Rebecca Talley
Learn how to boil down your story into one sentence that you can use to not only keep you on target while writing, but also answer the all-important question, "What's your story about?"

A step-by-step approach to identifying who you are as a writer and how to use that identity to build an on-line presence.

HOW TO GRID YOUR STORY - Kathi Oram Peterson
Archeologists use grids to help them unearth fossils and other treasures. For the writer, a grid can help keep track of character conflicts and plot your story.

The way of the ninja as it relates to writing an awesome novel

Aside from your mother, no one else cares that you’ve published a book. Unfortunately, most authors don’t know how to successfully sell themselves to the press, bloggers, and readers. Here’s a hint: it has nothing to do with your book. Learn how to create a compelling story that will have the press, bloggers, and others asking for interviews and get great coverage for your books in the process.

MEMOIRS - Abel Keogh
Memoirs are the most personal and powerful form of storytelling. You don’t need a dramatic life experience, crazy parents, or a troubled childhood to write one. Find the extraordinary in the ordinary, create and convey meaning, and share a thought-provoking story that will keep readers engrossed from beginning to end.

PLOTTING - Heather Justesen
Plotting--No plotting style is right for everyone, or even for every book. In this class we'll discuss several different ways to develop a plot so you can find one that works for you.

SELF PUBLISHING - Andrea Pearson
Come learn the ins and outs of how the successful self-published authors did it! We'll examine what others have done to become successful, then we'll go over things such as the pros and cons of self-publishing vs traditional, self-publishing myths, advertising (and understanding the lingo), and marketing/promoting. Q&A at the end.

I absolutely adore short stories! I love reading them, as well as creating them. In this creating stories workshop, I will share some fun creative writing ideas and we will talk about why short stories are so popular. By the end of the class, you will be oozing with story ideas!

SUSPENSE - Gregg Luke
We'll cover essential elements in creating nail-biting, page-turning suspense, including characterization, pacing, detailing, anticipation, conflict and resolution, and a few secret tricks of the trade.

Find out what you should be doing with your book during every stage of the writing process. We'll cover things such as: when (and when NOT) to edit, what to edit for in each revision, knowing who to use as beta readers and when to have them read, knowing if your book is ready, and other topics. Q&A at the end.

Overwhelmed about writing your first book? Each of us has a book within us, and I help you find it! This hands-on workshop takes you through idea, plot, setting, and characterization and gets you started on your first winning paragraph.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Special Announcement

I would've gotten dressed, put on make-up, and fixed my hair if only I'd known this would be posted on the internet. Oh well, the super exciting and fantastic news is worth looking a little shabby. I still get teary when I watch this.